Monday 13 September 2010

"Award Winning" Scotland

When shops, pubs or stores in Scotland want to point out that something's really "special", they call it "Award Winning". There is Award Winning Whisky, Award Winning Haggis, Award Winning Pub, Beer, Kilt, ... almost everything.
I would nominate "Award Winning Weather" because it's not just a legend what you hear about the UK rain.

Since my last post we drove all the way up from Edinburgh via Sterling, Perth, Pitlochry, Inverness to Thurso and down again from Ullapool, Fort William, Tobermory, Oben to where we are now: Glasgow.

At the Isle of Mull (where Tobermory is the largest city) Anja and I did a trip to "The Arches of Carsaig" which is listed third in the Lonely Planets list of Scotlands Natural Wonders. They are giant natural arches, formed by the sea, mostly consisting of columnar basalt - very impressive! Unfortunately we had only a few minutes to explore them because we had to catch the ferry back to the main island and the time specification for the Arches trip reached from 3 hours to whole day trip...

I'd love to upload only a few pictures, but since we're at a YHA again (see comments of the previous post) that's not possible. I'll catch up on that matter on the weekend!

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