Tuesday 19 June 2007

A F---ing Big Country

That's the way the typical Outback-Australian would say it. And it's true: Australia is even larger than whole Europe. To get from the middle of the country (Alice Springs) to the east coast (Mission Beach) it takes us more than 24 hours with the bus - breaks excluded!

What we did the last few days:
Since we arrived in Alice Springs on June 13th, we stayed at the Scout Hall until yesterday. We got a lot more than we expected: a heater, a TV set (Australians call it "telly"), a kitchen with a stove. And the best was that it was free! Thanks again to the Outbackscouts and also thanks again to our host family in Sydney - the McBurneys - who lend us sleeping bags and a tent. This will save us a lot of money!
Alice Springs is a small city with about 28,000 inhabitants but also the largest city in central Australia (wiki). There is a hill from the top of which you have a nice view of the whole city. We were advised not to climb any of the other hills because most of the drunk people gather there, especially during the night.
Yesterday we finished the 3 day Uluru tour (link -> Photo Gallery -> 16th June 2007). It was expensive, but GREAT! Our tourguide Nat was - in my point of view - THE typically Outback-Australian. A three-day beard, very nice, very tall and, of course, very vulgar :)
He told us a lot about the Aboriginal culture, how they used to live before the white men came and which problems they have to face since they settled here. With this knowledge our group decided not to climb the Uluru, because Aboriginals do not like that.
We spent the nights in so called "swags" - some kind of sleeping bag cover - around the campfire with millions of stars above us. And some beer, of course! It was just the perfect combination of sight seeing, walking and having be.. uhm fun! ;)

However, my journey draws to a close. On the 27th of June I will leave Johannes in the most dangerous country and head for Honolulu, where I arrive on June 26th.
- Time to think -
The answer: date line (wiki). That was the reason why we decided to go east, and not west. You get an "additional" day, yeeehaw!
I will spend 5 days on the islands where ladies hide their breasts with coconuts. Then, finally, I depart on the 3rd of July and arrive on the 4th in Vienna! But until then I hope my image of the dancing coconut ladies isn't just a cliche.

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